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Thank you for visiting the Japan Restaurant Association’s website (listed below as “this website”). This website is operated based on the following user agreement listed below and was made for the purpose of providing information of the Japan Restaurant Association (or listed as “our association” below). For every user that visits this website, they will be regarded as having agreed to the privacy policy cited below. The privacy policy on this site is subject to change without notice. If the privacy policy is revised, the changes will be presented on this website as a notification. After the change has been presented, the new agreement will take immediate effect for each new user that has accessed this website for the first time.

Privacy Policy

About Copyright
All information provided on this website (written text, illustrations, images, video etc.), if not expressly stated otherwise, are copyright (or under intellectual property right) and strictly belong to the Japan Restaurant Association. No information on this website, whether in whole or in part, can be copied, reprinted, or replicated (other than for private use), unless specifically permitted by law. When information from this website is quoted or cited in a legal method, please do so by using the following method listed below. Example when citing the source Provided by: Japan Restaurant Association / Source: Japan Restaurant Association

When there is not enough space
「Copyright JRA」/「Source JRA」

Additionally, in order to protect the rights of individuals, the use of images and images relating to a specific person on this site requires permission from the person himself / herself. For more information on obtaining the consent of the person with whom the use of the image(s) concerns, please make an inquiry and contact us.

Tel: 03-5651-5601

Information published on this site is not permitted to be used for advertising, sales, or commercial purposes such as product advertising or marketing.
However, an exception can be made if prior approval is given by the Japan Restaurant Association to use any information or material on the site (images etc.) for such objects as commemorative goods/memorabilia.
In cases in which approval is given, such approval will not in any way indicate the association’s endorsement or recommendation of the commemorative goods/memorabilia product, nor will it be conferred on an exclusive basis.
After the change has been presented, the new agreement will take immediate effect for each new user that has accessed the site for the first time.
We value the accuracy of the content and the security of this website, but we do not assume responsibility if there are any mistakes made on the website, or if any falsification or improper use of information is caused by a third-party. In addition, the Japan Restaurant Association will not be held liable for any loss, damage, harm, that may arise from use of this website, or from the information provided to users on this website. For the convenience of all users, this website may include various information, including content and links to third-parties, but the Japan Restaurant Association will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or harm that may arise (whether by direct use or indirect use) and is exempt from any liability whatsoever.
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